SB Poll & Search

Rockin-Robin's tip on DAILY POLLS AND A SEARCH

I know I maybe repeating myself for some of you, but then again I have heard people say they are not winning on searches. Well I get a win on searches, usually right after I do the daily poll. It has worked for me almost every morning, only maybe a couple of days it did not work.

I have heard people say that you need a particular word or phase to win big on searches. This is not true! The search wins and how many swags you earn from the win are all random. There is no magic words that will win or win you big swags. You take your chances just like anyone else who searches.

When doing searches do not search all day long! Do so you risk in getting banned for a day or so from searching. It is best to search every 2 to 3 hours. Once you get a win, you should wait that long before you decide to search again.

To do the daily poll and receive your one swag from them just go here on the left of the homepage,


  This will take you to the daily poll so you can vote on whatever the question of the day is. The poll is different everyday, so we do not get bored. Sometimes the question seems really out in left field, like the one about washing your hands after you use the bathroom. But someone must have wanted to know the answer to that one, and swags must have wanted to know too or they would not have published it.
Most of the polls have several options to choose from, you do not receive the swags unless you vote. After I make my choice in the poll, I vote on it, so that I can receive my swag for the daily poll.

      Once I have gotten my daily poll win, I copy/paste the question of the day into the search box and hit search.

               When searching make sure to check out at least one search results on each page. You can do this in another window or another tab by right clicking a search result with your mouse so you do not lose your place in the results.

        If you do not check out any of the results, Swags may think you are using an auto-searcher. If you do not get a search win the first time around, just scroll down to the bottom of the page and go to the next page of the search results.

       You may also see a captcha that you will need to enter. You need to enter the captcha within a certain amount of time or you will lose the swag win, which could also make Swags think that you are using an auto-searcher.

         Always remember it is very important to click on some of the search results while you are looking for a search win. It is also very important to enter the captchas and not let them expire.
         I hope I have helped you, at the very least earn a swag or two from the daily poll and a search using the daily poll question.

(updated June 2019)