Log into your SC-S wordpress account in one tab.
Open the sc-s code generator in another tab.
Fill out the form with the relevant code information
Most codes will be either 'United States' or 'Canada' or 'united Kingdom'.
'Normal' is for codes that can be simply copy/pasted to Swagbucks,
'Dynamic' is for codes that are unique and require a URL link to the appropriate Swagbucks page.
is where the code is found, Facebook or Twitter for example.
'Location Link'
is the URL of where the code is located.
Add the expiration time and make sure to tick a.m or p.m.
'Time Zone'
US and Canada codes are posted in PDT
United Kingdom codes are GMT
select the required comment/comments.
'Thanks to'
add your name here and/or the name of the person who found the code.
"Is this post updating an old post'
Click NO then click 'Generate'
Click within the page of generated html then press 'Control and A' to select all the text,
then 'Contol and C' to copy it.
Go to your other tab with the wordpress website.
Click 'add new'
Paste your generated html into the large box below the title box
using 'Control and V'.
Leave the 'title' blank.
Click 'schedule', then click 'schedule' again and you are done.
If you need to EDIT a post, do not attempt to make manual updates.
Instead, generate a new code and paste the new html into the original wordpress post in place of the old.
Make sure to check the "Is this post updating an old post:" box.
Then click 'Update'
by Sleepy and Games - posted 3/21/2021.